Soli's Reference Site

Library Catalogs

Are you trying to find books or other resources for one of your papers and not coming up with enough in our library catalog? Take a look at the links here and see what you might find.
Don't forget to check your local public library or nearby universities. You will probably be surprised by what they have available, so long as you have a card.

The Library of Congress Catalog The world's largest library. Here you will find a plethora of information and resources on nearly any subject you can imagine. You can see the main page here and the digital collections here.
The British Library The largest library in the United Kingdom. Especially helpful if your research involves material on the United Kingdom, Europe, or former British Colonies. Find research help here
The World Digital LibraryA new project comprised of many libraries and governments from around the world. Their mission is to provide, for free, “significant primary materials from countries and cultures around the world.” You can find books, journals, manuscripts, maps, motion pictures, pictures, and sound recordings.